Ocean Guru

We distribute 14m+ and above horse mackerel, red bream, sprats, hake and numerous other convenience products, chicken, pork, beef and processed meat products i.e., sausages, mincemeat etcetera. Ocean Guru is extending its wide portfolio through extensive marketing mainly based on customer referrals and social media marketing.

An increasing number of Zimbabweans are moving to urban cities and Harare is one of such destinations. Despite poor macro-economic fundamentals, most industries are heavily depended on food particularly protein which is key to human body and muscle requirements

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About Us


Becoming the one-stop shop for protein rich meats and their products


Our urge is to take care of the community protein needs, in turn take care of economic growth.

Core Values

Integrity • Innovation that evokes passion • Excellency • Sustainability

The best suppliers in Zimbabwe

As the world is going towards sustainability, we see ourselves fully participating through evolving innovation in our area of specialty and beyond by intentional investment in research and development.