Our Services

From Nature to your Table

Ocean Guru is a Zimbabwean registered company and business that seeks to serve the country and region’s sea food and meat products needs through dealership and distribution closer to home for end users. We distribute 14m+ and above horse mackerel, red bream, sprats, hake and numerous other sh convenience products, chicken, pork, beef and processed meat products i.e., sausages, mincemeat etcetera.


First choice and organic foods

Fish & Meat Sales

We sell a wide variety of frozen fresh water and saltwater fish, chicken, pork, beef and processed chicken, pork and beef products like mince and sausages. Additionally, we sell beef and chicken offals

Cold Meat Distribution

We source some of our products from a variety of suppliers, including meatpacking plants, processors, & wholesalers. Despite the challenges, as the demand for cold meat products continues to increase, so
too will the demand for cold meat distributors, that’s the gap we intend to fill.

Refrigerated Storage

We offer refrigerated storage for market players who move volumes of frozen meats but without adequate storage ranging from $0.01/kg per day.